August 14, 2012

Sacred Native American Sweat Lodge Ceremony

Still courtesy of Har-Prakash Khalsa / Expand-Contract
In September, I'll be leading a retreat through TCMC at a scenic ranch in the Sonoran desert in Arizona. One of the cool features is that retreatants have an opportunity to do a traditional native sweat lodge.

Native people call their path the "Red Road" (here "red" is not a racial term but rather the sacred color of the North). I've given some talks about the relationship between the Native American Red Road and the Buddhist Eightfold Path and what to expect from the sweat lodge ceremony:
Here's a document from TCMC on what to expect from the sweat lodge ceremony and how to prepare(Note that there are also opportunities for sweats following some of my Canadian retreats each year.) 

As of this blogpost, plenty of openings remain for Shinzen’s upcoming residential retreat in Arizona:

Residential Retreat with Shinzen Young
September 10-16, 2012
Oracle, Arizona
Hosted by TCMC

Email/Contact: Pam Ballingham,
P.O. Box 43204, Tucson, AZ  85733

Special thanks to Har-Prakash Khalsa and Stephanie Nash for the videos.


  1. I would have LOVED to attend this, but I'll be doing a show in NY early Sept. I hope there will be another sweat lodge retreat with Shinzen in the near future.

  2. It is my understanding that one must be asked to participate in a sweat lodge ceremony.I have been searching for the opportunity for some time now, with no luck. I am putting my request (to be asked) out there into the universe (21st century style). Thank you in advance for any and all answers.

    1. Can you tell me where you live? Maybe I can make some suggestions. Write
      All the best,

  3. I adore professionals who who post often, it is really tough to obtain all type of perception just about every other means. Tremendous job.


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