April 3, 2015

Again, Good Friday

Thomas Stearns Eliot by Lady Ottoline Morrell (1934)

TS Eliot Signature

As some of you may know, I look upon T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets as a poetic manual for contemplative-based psycho-spiritual growth. Here are some things I've said about that:
This morning, a student sent me this really cool link: http://jeremyirons.net/tag/four-quartets/.
It includes some UK scholars talking about the Four Quartets, followed by a great reading of it by Jeremy Irons. Enjoy.


  1. Shinzen

    Thank you for the Bones of "Good"Friday. Feasting not Fasting

  2. A much-belated thanks for this wonderful page. I hope it will be up for a long time. I'm looking forward to exploring your comments about the Four Quartets, which I've long admired, though I find parts of them very difficult to understand.


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